Wednesday, January 30, 2013

For the love of life...

This is a special picture indeed! It brings to mind memories from the past three years rushing towards me like a fast freight train.
Two years as a digital library executive for the love of colorful food images like this one and the need for survival ofcourse. People who helped me find that job while we under-went a recession. People who put up with my frustration through the job-hunting days. People I projected my dis-satisfaction onto.
And then there's me ofcourse, picking myself up as they moved in and out, farther or closer. There's lot to value and learn from the experiences gone by. What I love about it all though is what you make of it and I maketh this shot! And there are those who make even this possible! Thank you!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Grey cells lead to, am I this or that, both or neither?
Lack of it, keep's it simple - I am!
And that's all there is to existence.
From just be yourself to just be!