Sunday, December 15, 2013

Picture Perfect Pawana

Photo Courtesy: Vasant Salian

She makes it seem as easy as breathing. Fearless and fourteen she wades off without a sound, except for that of our egos shattering with shame. Each one secretly knows the apprehensions they hold inside.

Snapping from this humbling realisation we swiftly hop into the kayaks. Straight out of a movie, except its real. Reflection of the setting sun, silhouette of blue mountains, storks experience so serene that we'd rather tire rowing than turn back.

'Right is left and left is right' were the instructions to row. And we quickly figured it out just to experience the awesomeness of lake Pawana.


  1. wow. You write really well Linda. It truly captures the spirit.

  2. She was fearless at 12 too.. when she bungee jumped off the Auckland bridge leaving us gasping.. that's Fearless Aalia for you!
    Thanks for the writing..

  3. Yeah, she is an impressive dare devil and I love how you let go and let her fly. Kudos!

  4. Coming from an author, that really means something. Thanks Clement!

  5. Amazing snapshot Linda, both in pic and in words....
